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/ Fonts Icons & Screensavers / Fonts Icons & Screensavers - Bart Smit 1998.iso / BFNTICSS / FONTS / TTF_J / J1L.TTF (.png) < prev    next >
TrueType Font  |  1996-08-15  |  44KB
Labels: bulletin board | reckoner | sky
OCR: abedef ABCDE GHUK MOOPORS LUUXY7 0123456789 The broun foX Kimps the WAZy dog The quick fox jumps ouer the lazy 6op 20 The quick broun fox jumps OPPr the lazy Sop The broun jumps over the lazY Sop 48 The umoJq UmPS over the lazy dop The umoJq Jumps ovar azY The ysinb umoJq jumpS ovar ABCDEP GHUKLMOOPORS TUDUXYZ 0123956789 broup brouD